If you time it right, the road will hit the front of the car just as the car is leaving the land, forcing the car to be launched forward. I know- its a bridge-building game, but for most levels, the fastest way to the leader boards has nothing to do with bridges and everything to do with Meteors (a.k.a Falling Roads/Falling Bridges) In order to make a "meteor" you have to put a road segment in the air, right above a ledge where a car is falling off. Of course, you should always try to modify others bridges to make them better- plagiarism is allowed but try to make a few tweaks (you're not a copy+paste machine, you're a bridge builder!) In other words, getting ideas/inspiration is ok, but always try to make a few changes/improvements if you can! Hit "filter"! The page will load and then you will see the cheapest bridges for that level that have been uploaded to the gallery! Select "Lowest Budget" from the Order drop-down, this puts the designs in the gallery in ascending order based on price, showing you the cheapest ones (the ones we're looking for!) first. Make sure you select "Wins Only" from the Type drop-down, this will make sure you only see the successful designs (otherwise you will see a bunch of failures- something that you're not) The level drop-down allows you to search for any of the levels in the campaign, pick whichever you want to try to build! The gallery makes it super easy to find the cheapest designs with its searching abilities Whenever anyone selects to upload their bridge replay to the "gallery" the replay gets sent to this website: so go for it! In fact- its super easy to find ideas for really cheap bridge designs. No one is going to know if you stole your bridge design from someone else.