Also, they are large and Oscars finds it very difficult to eat. It should never be the primary food for your fish as they are inferior than pellet food when it comes to nutrition. They should be given quality pellet with good quality plant and algae in their diet containing significant amount of nutrition, proteins and vitamins necessary for your fish. Dry foods containing probiotics are a solution to this problem as they minimize risks of constipation, blockage and bloat in fish, but still supplement foods with high level moisture content should be chosen as the best option.

Oscar’s diet mainly consists of dried foods which is a problem for fish as they contribute to blockage, bloat and constipation resulting in the death of fish. Oscar’s diet also contains algae and plants and they never seek for algae or green plants and feed them only because these are the main contents of their prime prey. Different fresh fruits and vegetables can be provided to Oscar as supplement food. So, they like to eat fresh fruits to meet their vitamin C requirement. In diet, the Oscars have high requirement of Vitamin C. They should be fed with prepared fish food such as crayfish, insects and worms. What Should I Feed Oscar FishĪ proper diet increases their life expectancy and strengthens their immune system. So, you should remember this while choosing tank mates for your fish and should never put catfish in the water tank as mates for your Oscar fish. Even if they do eat fish, it contributes to a minor portion of what they eat and primary fish food of Oscars are catfish in their natural environment. They do not eat fish which means that they are not piscivores. Oscar fishes mainly eat freshwater insects and crustaceans.

Oscar fish can eat almost everything that falls into the water tank. So, they should be provided with a high quality protein diet. A major portion of their diet is fruit falling into water in the natural environment. Oscar is carnivorous in nature but does not eat meat as its prime choice in food. All details related to oscar feeding in given in next section. Oscars are not a very picky eaters, but they require regular feeding for proper growth. Feed Oscars Regularly but Avoid Overfeeding Also read our reviews of Best Water Test Kits available. Read our detailed guide on Water Testing and what you need to look at. This makes sure the water remain within various parameters and is not becoming toxic for the fish. Use a good quality water test kit which checks for multiple parameters once a week. Do Regular Water ChangesĮvery week around 10-15% of the water in the tank need to be changed with fresh water to maintain the water quality in the tank. A aquarium heater with temperature controller will ensure the stability in temperature inside the tank. The temperature of water tank should be maintained between 23 to 27 degrees Celcius or 77 degrees Fafrenheit. Read our reviews of Best Aquarium Filters for choosing the best suited filter for your oscar tank. A filter system at the inlet or water cycle are the best solution to keep them healthy. The overstayed water become Toxic water and affects health of fish badly. Also, since Oscar are big fish they need bigger tanks which increases the need for a bigger filter. It is necessary to have excessive filtration of the recycled water in the whole aquarium since they are messy species and requires regular maintenance of its environment. The minimum tank size should be a tank that can hold at least 152 litres or 50 gallons of water see our Aquarium Tank Guide.